Our Digital Future

With the current reality around the world prohibiting large in person events we have pivoted with our Project Nexus software development project and are looking at launching it to provide an online megagame experience. The application was originally intended to be the central game interface for a live game, and we are still planning on using it that way but for now our focus is on digtital distributed games.

Project Nexus is a node server and several single-page web applications in development at West Coast Megagames to handle player input and outcomes for a massively multiplayer live event experience. The central hub for Project Nexus is a cluster of Node.js servers that are responsible for simulating the game environment, tracking all outcomes, updating the game database, and then sending the data on to the user on the front end.

The games played through the Project Nexus servers are meant to be played live, with 30 - 100 players all interacting with a single simulated world in real-time to create a shared narrative during the period of play in what we have dubbed data-driven gaming (DDG).

Due to the effects of COVID shutting down live events we are also developing Project Nexus to handle online distributed games.

Currently, the project is in the pre-alpha stages of development, we have done most of the necessary infrastructure building and have moved on to making a prototype game using an adaptation of Jim Wallman's Watch the Skies as out the first project.

Client Demo: Watch The Skies Prototype game client